October 6, 2023
There is a lot going on in Washington DC and in DeKalb County! Join Rep. Rich McCormick (GA-6th) to get a briefing on all the latest happenings in the U.S. House of Representatives. We will also hear from DeKalb Municipal Candidates Michael Braun – Chamblee City Council District and Mark Frost – Brookhaven Mayor! Get your tickets and sponsorships here. I would also encourage you to prepare for the upcoming Municipal Elections by visiting VoteDeKalbRed.com.
Please note that Monday, October 9, 2023, is the scheduled registration cutoff date to be eligible to vote at the November 7, 2023, Municipal General Election. Due to the Columbus Day holiday on Monday, October 9, 2023, the registration deadline is legally moved to Tuesday, October 10, 2023. Register to Vote.
Coming Soon! Please be on the lookout for dedicated newsletters for the Municipal Elections and for the 2024 RNC/GAGOP/DeKalb GOP Conventions. These conventions will elect Georgia’s At-Large delegates and alternates to the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee which will formally nominate our candidate for President. Additionally, at the GAGOP State Convention, we will elect our National Committeeman and National Committeewoman.
Thank you.
With Best Regards,
Marci McCarthy, Chairman, DeKalb County Republican Party