December 4, 2023
Since December 4, 2021, The University of Georgia’s Football Team has won 29 straight games, had 3 consecutive undefeated seasons, and won 2 back-to-back #NationalChampionships!! While we were hoping for a different outcome on Saturday Night, we saw a true fight to the end. And what an amazing 2 years this has been! GO DAWGS!
It is going to be a busy week at the Gold Dome as the Redistricting Maps have been revealed and will be voted upon. If these maps are approved – we will retain a 9-5 Republican advantage in our U.S. Congressional Delegation but carves up Democrat Lucy McBath’s Gwinnett-based district and creates a new 6th District on the Westside. Our good friend Congressman Rich McCormick will relocate in the GA7th. It also puts DeKalb in the heart of the GA 4th and GA 5th Districts—with Brookhaven moving to the GA5th. And the 4th Congressional District could be in play as it will be a lot more purple than blue—maybe we can #Flipthe4th! Check out the Congressional Maps – Proposed by Senate Majority. The new State House Maps – Proposed by House Majority create five new majority-Black districts and State Senate Maps – Proposed by Senate Majority have several modifications as well – most notably take a closer look at Senate District 44, the new boundaries of Democratic state Senator Elena Parent’s district her new majority-Black district would stretch through south DeKalb and north Clayton. As I love fighting Democrats – it is great to hear that many are livid! It is time for DeKalb Republicans to have representation that represents WE THE PEOPLE!
For those that are located in Atlanta, Brookhaven, Doraville and in Stonecrest – tomorrow, December 5th is RUN OFF ELECTION DAY. If you have not voted already – please vote in your Run-Off Municipal Election. These elections directly impact your community. Details are below.
Please mark your calendars to join us at the DeKalb GOP Holiday Breakfast to be held on Saturday, December 9th– where we will have Georgia State Senator Shawn Still as our featured speaker. Note – if you are planning on attending the GRA Convention, the business portion will commence at noon. So many of us are doing both meetings. Also, please join us at the DeKalb GOP Holiday Party on December 21. We kindly ask that you RSVP here to ensure enough food and cheer for all! Thank you!
Best Regards,
Marci McCarthy, Chairman, DeKalb County Republican Party