Dr. Kendra Biegalski
House District 101


Dr. Biegalski has a Ph.D. as well as a professional engineering license in nuclear engineering. She has work experience in classified government-sponsored work, academic research, and in the educational field. Dr. Biegalski is passionate about education, and has decades of experience teaching students of all ages and abilities from kindergarten through graduate level college courses. In addition, she has given highly technical and specialized training and other knowledge building presentations to both experts and laypersons to local as well as international audiences. Dr. Biegalski has managed both professional and academic project teams during her career. Due to her work and volunteer efforts at Dekalb County polling places and her work with election integrity groups, she is familiar with Georgia elections, laws, procedures, and the voter roll database. She volunteers her time in educational, business, and religious settings and enjoys performing Irish dance.

Why do you align with the Republican Party?

I support policies that protect and encourage liberty, economic prosperity, American values and traditions, and the American dream for every citizen of our great state of Georgia. My platform is centered on stimulating economic growth for Georgians, protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, ensuring the integrity of our elections, and maintaining our national security. The Republican Party was originally founded in 1854 for the purpose of ending slavery and thus we must work to preserve America’s greatness for our children and grandchildren or else it will be lost. As the left attempts to destroy what makes America great, I want to help the Republican Party to defend our nation and way of life.

What are your top three reasons for running for office as a Republican?

The top 3 reasons for me running as District 101 Representative are economics, safety, and freedoms.

Georgia is the perfect place for businesses to flourish and create new jobs and industries. I will encourage business development in Georgia to provide well-paying jobs in sectors necessary for our critical infrastructure and national security, e.g., manufacturing of computer chips, personal protective gear, pharmaceuticals, as well as products necessary to support critical defense operations and energy infrastructure. I will work to both eliminate the state income tax and reduce wasteful government spending so that struggling Georgians will have more money to pay their mounting bills. To reduce the cost of transportation for people and goods, I will vote to make the Georgia state gas tax the lowest in the nation. The prosperity of Georgians demands all the above.

Drug addiction, poor mental health, nonexistent family structures, poor education, and desperate economic circumstances propel some individuals to violence or other law-breaking behaviors. I will protect Georgians’ right to bear arms as well as increase funding for hardworking, self-sacrificing local police, emergency, fire, and rescue personnel. No one should have to wait ten minutes or more for services during an emergency. In addition, no Georgian should languish in jail without a conviction or bail option. I will work to hold prosecutors accountable for any politicization of their office, inexcusable backlog of cases, and the poor health and treatment of the prisoners languishing in their jails. All Georgians, their families, and their communities deserve to feel safe and be treated fairly by police, judges, and

During the pandemic, our freedoms were eroded without scientific basis by unelected local and federal bureaucrats as well as local elected officials. The decisions that were made harmed the health, freedoms, and finances of Georgians much more than they helped. As your Representative in the Georgia Assembly, I will protect your freedom to work, attend school, worship, and move about the state of Georgia to perform your personal and work duties – without mandates. I will work to hold those persons responsible for harming Georgians by their poor policy decisions guided by corruption and/or conflicts of interest. I support bodily autonomy as described in both the Nuremberg and Helsinki Codes. Your medical decisions
should be guided by you and your doctor – not government officials. I also support Georgians’ rights to Free Speech. We should be able to post information that is critical of government policies on social media without fear of censure and legal reprisals. I will work hard to protect the fundamental rights of all Georgians and to stop the misuse of government authority to abrogate those rights.

Georgians must return to a basic understanding and implementation of the founding principles of our nation; our local, state, and federal governments are there to provide order and defense of a civil society as well as to protect our freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It will be my honor to act in this regard as Representative to Georgia District 101.

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